
- Swiftness Potion
- Slowness Potion
- Leap of Faith Potion
- Healing Potion
- Harming Potion
- Strength Potion
- Weakness Potion
- Fire Resistance Potion
- Water Breathing Potion
- Invisibility Potion
- Night Vision Potion
- Poison Potion
- Regeneration Potion
- Resistance Potion
- Jump Boost Potion
- Speed Potion
- Turtle Master Potion
- Slow Falling Potion
- Luck Potion
- Bad Luck Potion
- Strength II Potion
- Resistance II Potion
- Fire Resistance II Potion
- Swiftness II Potion
- Invisibility II Potion
- Night Vision II Potion
- Water Breathing II Potion
- Jump Boost II Potion
- Speed II Potion
- Turtle Master II Potion
- Slow Falling II Potion
- Strength III Potion
- Fire Resistance III Potion
- Swiftness III Potion
- Invisibility III Potion
- Night Vision III Potion
- Water Breathing III Potion
- Jump Boost III Potion
- Speed III Potion
- Turtle Master III Potion
- Slow Falling III Potion
- Strength IV Potion
- Fire Resistance IV Potion
- Swiftness IV Potion
- Invisibility IV Potion
- Night Vision IV Potion
- Water Breathing IV Potion
- Jump Boost IV Potion
- Speed IV Potion
- Turtle Master IV Potion
- Slow Falling IV Potion
- Positive Potion
- Negative Potion
- Neutral Potion
- Increases movement speed
- Decreases movement speed
- Increases jump height
- Heals the player
- Damages the player
- Increases attack damage
- Decreases attack damage
- Protects the player from fire damage
- Allows the player to breathe underwater
- Makes the player invisible
- Allows the player to see in the dark
- Poisons the player
- Regenerates the player's health
- Increases the player's resistance to damage
- Increases the player's jump boost
- Increases the player's speed
- Protects the player from fall damage
- Increases the player's luck
- Decreases the player's luck
- Increases attack damage by two levels
- Increases resistance to damage by two levels
- Protects the player from fire damage by two levels
- Increases movement speed by two levels
- Makes the player invisible for a longer duration
- Allows the player to see in the dark for a longer duration
- Allows the player to breathe underwater for a longer duration
- Increases jump boost by two levels
- Increases speed by two levels
- Protects the player from fall damage for a longer duration
- Increases attack damage by three levels
- Protects the player from fire damage by three levels
- Increases movement speed by three levels
- Makes the player invisible for a longer duration
- Allows the player to see in the dark for a longer duration
- Allows the player to breathe underwater for a longer duration
- Increases jump boost by three levels
- Increases speed by three levels
- Protects the player from fall damage for a longer duration
- Increases attack damage by four levels
- Protects the player from fire damage by four levels
- Increases movement speed by four levels
- Makes the player invisible for a longer duration
- Allows the player to see in the dark for a longer duration
- Allows the player to breathe underwater for a longer duration
- Increases jump boost by four levels
- Increases speed by four levels
- Protects the player from fall damage for a longer duration
- Water Bottle
- Nether Wart
- Blaze Powder
- Sugar
- Fermented Spider Eye
- Gunpowder
- Glistering Melon
- Dragon's Breath
- Turtle Shell
- Phantom Membrane
- Magma Cream
- Rabbit's Foot
- Redstone Dust
- Glowstone Dust
- Lapis Lazuli
我的世界药水英文大全提供了药水名称、英文名称、药水类型、药水效果、药水材料等信息,方便玩家了解和制作各种药水,药水类型分为Positive Potion、Negative Potion和Neutral Potion,药水效果包括增加移动速度、减少移动速度、增加跳跃高度、恢复生命值、造成伤害、增加攻击伤害、减少攻击伤害、抵抗火焰伤害、在水中呼吸、隐身、夜视、中毒、恢复生命值、增加伤害抗性、增加跳跃速度、增加移动速度、减少摔落伤害、增加幸运值、减少幸运值等,药水材料包括水瓶、地狱疣、烈焰粉、糖、发酵蜘蛛眼、火药、闪闪发光的西瓜、龙之吐息、海龟壳、幻翼膜、岩浆膏、兔脚、红石粉、荧石粉、青金石等。
1、我的世界中药水效果如果想要不借助药水直接给予需要通过指令的方式。在我的世界中,提炼药水需要使用炼药台和一些药材。以下是提炼药水的步骤:2、给予药水效果的指令为/effect 玩家/选择器 效果 时间 等级 粒子效果。
《泰拉瑞亚》是由Re-Logic公司开发的一款高自由度的沙盒游戏,于2011年5月16日在PC上发行。勘探者药水 - 能让你发现宝箱和矿的位置 - 纯净水+闪耀之根+月光草+金矿本文内容以关键词泰拉瑞亚npc药水大全为核心展开讲解,通过阅读本文你将充分了解关于泰拉瑞亚药水图鉴大全、泰拉瑞亚药水npc
药水冲突:Potion of Healing可能会与其他药水发生冲突,产生负面效果。药水效果:Potion of Healing的效果会随着时间推移而消失。治疗:Potion of Healing可以用于治疗生命值低的玩家或生物。
我的世界虚弱喷溅药水英文名:**Potion of Weakness Splash**类型:药水效果:降低目标生物的攻击力和伤害持续时间:1分钟可通过酿造台合成/give @p potion_of_weakness_splash 1:给予玩家一支虚弱喷溅药水/effect @e weakness 1
**精准答案:**王者荣耀战队英文名字大全包括:VG、EDG、RNG、TES、LNG、FPX、IG、JDG、BLG、WE、RA、OMG、UP、AL、TT、LGD、RW、XYG、MTG、Hero 久竞、TTG、GK、DYG、AG 超玩会、RNG.M、TS、MTG、JC、eStarPro、Wolves、
**** 我的世界状态英文id大全,涵盖了各种状态的英文名称。## 生存状态- Alive- Dead- Respawning## 创造模式状态- Creative## 冒险模式状态- Adventure## 旁观