1. 。2. 典狱长是无主之地3中的BOSS,他掉落的武器很多,包括狙击步枪、霰弹枪、手枪等等,但是掉落的概率并不是很高,需要多次挑战才能有机会获得。3. 如果你想获得典狱长掉落的武器,可以多次挑战他,提高掉落概率。同时,也可以通过游戏中的其他方式获得更好的武器,比如完成任务、购买商店等等。
《无主之地3》是一款由Gearbox Software开发, 2K Games发行的RPG风格的FPS射击游戏, 于2019年9月13日正式发售, 是《无主之地2》的续作。在游戏中, 玩家将选择四名全新寻宝猎人的其中一位, 在全新的世界中和新型敌人展开殊死之战。与疯狂的敌人作战夺取成堆的战利品, 并从星系最为残忍的邪教领袖手中拯救家园。
1. "Lyuda" Sniper Rifle - Drops from the final boss of the game, Tyreen the Destroyer. This weapon deals high critical-hit damage.
2. "Shredded Bangstick" Shotgun - Drops from the Rampager boss in the Forgotten Basilica. This shotgun deals high damage in close-quarters combat.
3. "Rowan's Call" Assault Rifle - Drops from the boss Road Dog in The Splinterlands. This weapon deals high damage and ricochets bullets to other targets.
4. "Hellwalker" Shotgun - Drops from the boss Agonizer 9000 in the Guts of Carnivora. This weapon deals high damage and has a fast fire rate.
5. "Maggie" Pistol - Drops from the boss Tremendous Rex in the Cistern of Slaughter. This weapon deals high damage and has a fast fire rate.
6. "Handsome Jackhammer" SMG - Drops from the boss Handsome Jackie from the DLC Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot. This weapon has a shield, deals high damage, and when reloaded, throws the weapon as a grenade.
7. "The Lob" Shotgun - Can be purchased from Crazy Earl's Reroll Machine in Sanctuary. This weapon shoots explosive projectiles that deal high damage.
8. "King's Call" Pistol - Drops from the boss Tyreen the Destroyer. This weapon deals high critical hit damage and returns ammo to the magazine on critical hits.
9. "Night Hawkin" SMG - Drops from the boss Borman Nates in the Meridian Outskirts. This weapon deals high damage and changes its element depending on the time of day in-game.
10. "Lucian's Call" Assault Rifle - Drops from the boss Mouthpiece in the Holy Broadcast Center. This weapon deals high damage and returns ammo to the magazine on critical hits.
11. "Redistributor" SMG - Drops from the boss Wotan the Invincible in the Maliwan Takedown mission. This weapon deals high shock damage and chains to nearby enemies.
12. "Scourge" Rocket Launcher - Drops from the boss Katagawa Ball in the Space-Laser Tag mission. This weapon shoots mini-rocket projectiles that deal high splash damage.
13. "Flakker" Shotgun - Can be purchased from the Torgue vending machines in the DLC Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot. This weapon shoots multiple explosive projectiles that deal high damage.
14. "Laser-Sploder" Assault Rifle - Drops from the boss Katagawa Jr. in the Atlas, At Last mission. This weapon deals high damage and shoots laser beams that split into explosions.
15. "Sickle" Assault Rifle - Drops from the boss Pain and Terror in the Blood Drive mission. This weapon shoots multiple projectiles that deal high damage and ricochet off surfaces.
1. 火山口之王:位于火山地图的中心位置,需要完成一系列任务后才能进入。
2. 巨人之王:位于艾德拉斯地图的东南角,需要完成一系列任务后才能进入。
3. 蛇女之王:位于雅莉丝特地图的西南角,需要完成一系列任务后才能进入。
4. 艾瑞莉娅女王:位于雅莉丝特地图的中心位置,需要完成一系列任务后才能进入。
5. 泰坦之王:位于雅莉丝特地图的东南角,需要完成一系列任务后才能进入。